Looks like a Barbie horse (big white one), the palomino pinto looks like one of the Breyer Ponies or Dapples or whatever they call them. Next to that is the old Classic Arabian Stallion, and the black and white pinto "Pinto Sporthorse" on the Jet Run. Next to that, I can't guess.
Earlier in the show is a shot of a bedroom (I guess), and in the upper right corner you can spy part of some horse. Any guesses? Maybe a Marx or Barbie Horse, judging from the apparent size of it.

One of many "What A Slob These People Are" type shows that make me feel good about my housekeeping skills (such as they are, lol)
And "After" the clean-up, the horses are organized in the little girl's room:

I thought I posted a comment earlier, but I didn't see it show up, so I apologize if this is a duplicate post...I love your blog! I just happened upon it today while checking out links a fellow blogger has posted on her blog. I thought I was the only one who looked for models in ads, on TV, etc.! Your blog is too neat! My original comment was me admitting that I am a hoarder, too...a hoarder of Breyer horses....check this out: http://pikeroadgirl.blogspot.com/2008/08/buck-memento.html
ReplyDeleteI tease my 3 kids that they will have to draw straws to see who has to take the horses. None of my kids seem to want them. I'm hoping a few of the older Breyers might be worth something one day - I have several that Peter Stone signed at one of the first BreyerFests before he started his own line of horses. Anyway, I love your blog and look forward to following it now that I found it! Happy New Year!