"Phenomenon" (1996) is another film I'd never have watched if not for doing research for this blog. I'll admit right here and now, I loathe John Travolta, always have, probably always will. But the amazing quantity of Breyers in this film almost made the pain worthwhile! Almost.
53 or so minutes into the film we finally get to see the Breyers...of course, as set decoration for the little girl's room (do we see a pattern here???).
Mom enters the bedroom, displeased that daughter is reading a book on UFOs.

But MAN, what a great collection!!! It's a little hard to see here (I just discovered that you can click on the photos and it opens them in another window full size, so have at it!), but on the top shelf, right to left, I see the Black Appaloosa Scratching Foal, the old G1 SM QH Mare in Palomino, the dapple grey Proud Arabian Foal, the black Classic Arabian Foal, some little brown horse, the alabaster Shetland Pony, the bay Running Foal, the Stormy foal, can't tell, can't tell, can't tell, the bay Proud Arabian Foal, the Classic Kelso, and something brown.
On the dresser there's the Appaloosa Yearling with the chestnut Balking Mule behind her, to the left are the Stablemate Morgan Stallion in alabaster, and the Stablemate Quarter Horse Stallion in Palomino. On top of the radio is the Classic Swaps.
On the little bookshelf it looks like the Classic Quarter Horse Mare and the Classic Man O' War. Pretty good collection so far!

Another view, revealing a Gem Twist behind the light, and I THINK the old Traditional Man O'War in front.

On the daughter's bedside stand are two Classic Quarter Horse Foals (one black, one bay)

And look who's peeking out from behind the drapes, the good ole' Clydesdale Stallion (highlighted)

She's also got a good display on the shelves over her head, unfortunately we never get a good view of those models. I can pick out on the far right the Classic Lipizzan (or could be the Pegasus, since I can't see the top half). There's also the buckskin Lying Foal towards the far left.
Mom goes and gets "Black Beauty" from the bookshelf (yeah, let's read a sad book about a horse that suffers and sees his friends die, that's better than a book on UFOs!!), and reveals another Breyer "Stormy" and possibly the Belgian Brabant behind it on the bottom shelf!

Done arguing with her daughter, and admonishing her to go brush her teeth, we get a view of two more impressive shelves of the daughter's collection, and some of the shelf above the bed revealing it IS the Classic Lipizzan and Misty's Twilight at least.

Judging from the age of the daughter and the vintage status of most of the models, it looks to me like she inherited her mom's collection! Way to go, kiddo!